What is alcohol?
Alcohol is nothing but a natural fruit juice. It is a health drink also. There are many types of alcohol. But the one which is useful to human being is ethyl alcohol. It is also known as grain alcohol since it is prepared from starch grains. Ethyl alcohol is the alcohol of wine beer, whisky and similar beverages. It is often simply referred as “alcohol”. Most of the alcohol is prepared when grains, fruits or vegetables are fermented.
What is fermentation?
The process of conversion of sugars into ethyl alcohol under the influence of yeast is known as fermentation. The raw materials of ethyl alcohol are cane juice, beets, dates, molasses, fruit juices which contains sugar, substances which contain starch such as potatoes, rice, barley and maize.
Why should you avoid commercial alcohol?
Denatured Alcohols
It is commercial ethyl alcohol to which small amounts of very poisonous substance have been added. So, commercial alcohol contains methyl alcohol which is poisonous. The manufacture and sale of ethyl alcohol is under strict government control. Heavy excise duty is levied on sale of alcoholic beverages. For industrial purpose ethyl alcohol is duty free in some of the countries.
Alcoholic Beverages
The largest use of ethyl alcohol is considered as a beverage. Wine contains about 12% ethyl alcohol. Beers contain about 4%. Whisky and Brandy contains about 40-50% ethyl alcohol. The alcoholic content of a beverage is indicated by a measure known as proof spirit.
How does it affect your health?
When you drink alcoholic beverages, the ethyl alcohol finds its way in your blood. When you consume 0.8% you will feel steady. If it is 2% you feel giddiness, 3% not able to walk, 4% you may fall down. When it reaches 5% it may leads to death
Why do people like to have it?
Due to some curiosity people like to drink it. They feel that it is good and reduces stress. Some times to people drink to relax themselves.
A Step By Step Method for Alcohol Detox
Alcohol detox may be defined as a phase of medically supervised and monitored withdrawal from alcohol at the same time the alcohol is detached from the body.
Alcohol detoxification depends on your age, medical status and alcohol intake history. In the case of a young man who drinks a lot and looks for 7 days treatment after his last consumed alcohol, he may not need detoxification ahead of starting medication for alcoholism. The most common drugs employed for this purpose are the benzodiazepines, which are followed by barbiturates.
What are benzodiazepines?
Benzodiazepines, diazepam, oxazepam or lorazepam are the most common drugs used to minimize symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. There are a number of treatment methods in which it is employed. The choice of benzodiazepine depends upon the situation.
Chlordiazepoxide is preferred in case of uncomplicated withdrawal of alcohol.
Diazepam or Lorazepam are available for persons who are not able to take medicines safely by mouth.
Oxazepam and Lorazepam is considered best for patients who have cirrhosis
What is the proper medication for alcohol detox and withdrawal?
Alcohol detox can cause suffering and pain and it can be life threatening. Detox from alcohol, otherwise known as withdrawal, may lead to various problems. The symptoms of acute alcohol detox and withdrawal start to emerge within 6 to 48 hours. Proper medication for alcohol detox and withdrawal is to lessen the discomfort of the patient and avoid the development of severe symptoms. Admission in hospital gives the safest situation for alcohol detox and withdrawal.
What is common procedure to detox?
Most doctors are contented to prescribe for alcohol detox. A common procedure for detox is as follows.
Your doctor may prescribe a high dosage medication for the first day so that you discontinue drinking alcohol.
Then the dosage will be reduced gradually over the next five to seven days. Usually this avoids or reduces the nasty withdrawal symptoms.
You should accept not to consume any alcohol in the course of alcohol detoxification. In order to make sure that you are not drinking alcohol, a breathalyzer may be used.
Usually your doctor or nurse will monitor you more often at the time of detox.
While under going detox, support from friends or family may be of great help. The work of receiving the prescription and providing the detox medicine is shared with a friend or family member.
Trying to get sober?