You regularly use alcohol as a way of coping with feelings of anger, frustration, anxiety or depression.
You regularly use alcohol to feel confident.
You get hangovers regularly.
Your drinking affects your relationships with other people.
Your drinking makes you feel disgusted, angry or suicidal.
Other people tell you that when you drink you become gloomy, embittered or aggressive.
You need to drink more and more to feel good.
You stop doing other things to spend more time drinking.
You start to feel shaky and anxious the morning after drinking the night before.
You drink to stop these feelings.
You start drinking earlier in the day.
IF YOU NEED HELP NOW PLEASE JOIN US AT The Sober Village where you do not need to be sober to join, just the desire to some day do so!
1 comment:
These are all signs that should should be looked out for if one has a feeling that someone they know may be an alcoholic. If these apply to someone you know, please do not ignore them. It is manditory that they get help immediately. There are too many twelve step programs, rehab centers, and hotlines for one not to be able to get the help they need. If they feel they do not have a problem yet you know they do, there is a way to seek them help without them being aware. I work for A&E and we provide help for these types of situations through a television show called A&E Intervention. This show demonstrates to the world how difficult drug addictions, alcohol addictions, eating disorders, or anything of that sort can be. A team of highly qualified specialists are provided to assist the individual with all of the help that is needed. The individual comes on the show thinking they are filming for a documentary about their issues. What they do not know is that they have been set up by loved ones to overcome their problem. New episodes of A&E Intervention air on A&E every Monday at 9PM/8C so be sure to watch it. Clips and additional footage can be seen on http://www.aetv.com/intervention.
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